Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Going Digital??

The idea of going completely digital was never something I thought I would do, but after finally figuring out how to use my Photoshop Elements better I can see why so many people have done just that. It takes up loads less space, you just click you mouse and it's all cleaned up, you can do it anywhere since it's on your computer, and there are soooooo many freebies that you can download, that you could do literally do hundreds of pages without buying a thing.

See, I've had this digi kit by Jessica Sprague for a very long time and could not figure out how to use it. I tried many sites to find some kind of walkthrough when at last I found one! Super simple to get going once I knew which icon to click on.

See here's my first ever go at it! Looking pretty good! I'm sure you are all wondering who these people are... well it's Alison and Michele, owners of A Million Memories! They have been hosting one of the crops I told you about. One of the challenges, done by one of the Design Team members, was to create a page for them to wish them a happy 1st anniversary.

I had so much fun that I did another one! Now I know you all know this girl! On this one I used a kit from the veggie site by Rhonna Farrer and those big flowers are from designerdigitals.com by Lynn Grieveson.

I think that I'll always stick with paper Layouts. Creating something with my hands over creating it with my mouse is much more appealing to me. But don't be too surprised if you see more of these.

1 comment:

Dr Chris Hill said...

Great blog, and I agree with everything you say, but shouldn’t we wait until after Christmas to do this, that way less bicycles will be stolen.