Friday, February 27, 2009

Finally it's gone!

For the last few months Jesse has been wiggling one of his front teeth but it has never been quite loose enough to come out. Even with the new grown-up tooth coming in it still wouldn't let go. Hubby has been bugging me to get him into the dentist so they can yank it but I figured it would come out when it was ready. Also I didn't want Jesse to get upset or nervous having the dentist in his mouth doing who knows what. I know they know what they are doing but a six year old doesn't have a clue. Finally yesterday you could tell it was on that last strand of whatever was holding it up there and "POP" out it came! Now you can see his big tooth! I think this smile is just adorable.

Of course a visit from the tooth fairy was in order, which I totally spaced until the alarm went off this morning. So I ran downstairs, grabbed some cash and went to go sneak into his room to find that he was already awake and slightly disappointed that the tooth fairy hadn't shown up. So what do I do? Some really quick thinking. Somehow the tooth fairy got confused and left money under MY pillow! Silly tooth fairy!! So I traded the money I got for the tooth and he totally bought it!! The tooth fairy has a know reputation for being unreliable and scatterbrained in this house!


Marianne said...

That is so cute! Good save! I love your idea, I'm going to remember that one for the next time the "tooth fairy" spaces it at my house!

Shelley said...

I am really not looking forward to teeth falling out of my childrens' mouths. Yuck. Good job being a fast thinker!

Carrie said...

I love the story, why should mom's be the only things scatterbrained. (atleast in my house)

Katie said...

That happens to the tooth fairy hear at our house too!!!!
Yay! You finally blogged. About friggin' time!

Emma and Dan said...

Yay! It came out! He looks very cute.
I made those Carnival cruise cakes for the missionaries tonight and they came out great. I had to adjust for my toaster oven. I only cooked them 10 minutes, but maybe 9 would have been better. They tasted awesome! Thanks for the recipe.