Friday, May 28, 2010

Three down... two to go

and I'm not sure I like it. Today is the last day of school.
It's not like I don't want summer to come, I do. I love sleeping in, no homework, camping, swimming, lot of things to do. I'm just sad that Ally is moving on to junior high after today. Leaving Kylie and Jesse the last ones in elementary school. How did it all go so fast? Today also marks the beginning of Emily's senior year! I had forgotten about that, or maybe blocked it out. I'm not sure I'm ready for this. I just need to live for today and really enjoy every moment I've got left with my not so little children. They'll be gone before I know it.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Global warming is a big fat lie!

it is... if it were really true, then why on earth would I have to put up with this!

It's the end of May people! The last week of school! It's supposed to be all sunny and warm for field day and dance festival. I feel really bad for any of my neighbors who have planted anything outside that aren't going to weather this. These last several weeks have made me feel more like we're living in Seattle than the dry desert Utah is supposed to be. Please pray with me that we'll have nice weather Wednesday and Thursday.