Friday, April 11, 2008

Today's the day!

Well hopefully it is. The submission deadline for the A Million Memories design team call was last night. So by tonight I think we'll all know the results. I wasn't even that concerned about it until about dinner time yesterday. Then the nerves and anticipation set in. I stayed up late and got up early in hopes of finding the email from Michelle.
I'm really trying not to obsess over it and get the stuff done that I need to today. I've got to finish my apron for JennSue's apron swap and get that mailed out today, be a mean mommy and get the kids to help me clean the family room and kitchen, and pack for a crop I'm going to tonight with my friends. I'm so glad I'm going tonight too. They will be either consoling me or cheering me on. Not that Lloyd wouldn't do those things but he's not the world's best when it comes to sympathy.
So come back later and I'll have a pic of my apron and, fingers crossed, the results of the design team call!


Jen Martakis said...

Good Luck Amy! I'm so nervous too. Have fun at your crop tonight, and can't wait to see your apron!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Good luck AMY.. My nerves are just starting to sing.
I cant wait tosee the Apron you are makeing.

Anita said...

I am so glad I have met you all! good luck!!!