Friday, September 28, 2007

Off to another crop!

Yes the semi-annual Scrapbook USA Expo is here! I've been trying to get packed all day so I could be ready for my friend Shauna and her sister early tomorrow morning. I have to tell you it's been forever since I've had friends that live close and even nicer that they share my passion for scrapping.
My day was so full today I didn't think I would ever get to the packing though. I got to go visit a friend today, come home, eat lunch, and clean the family room. Then I had friends over to my house. We talked and chatted about everything while all the little boys played in Jesse's room. I finished taking pictures and filling out my application for the design team at A Million Memories. By then kids were home and I had to be the big meanie... get a snack, do your homework, do your chores, practice your viola/bass. I'm grateful for an understanding husband who can hear the distressed sound of my voice on his cell and offers to pick up stuff for dinner because I somehow didn't have time to get to the store.
I got to sit down for a bit after that and watch my Thursday shows after dinner... Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy. Gotta love TiVo! you can rewind and pause, not to mention fast forward through all those commercials!
Now my packing is all done, only three bags! that's an accomplishment for me! Usually I'm hauling at least five with me now. that's the one downside to cropping away from home... can't take it all with you!

Well it's nearly one and I have to get up and make sure all the kids look their best, it's picture day tomorrow! and then off to scrap! Whoo hooo!!! I'll let you all know how it goes. :)

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