Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Belated Birthday Post

With three birthdays within ten days it hard to find the time to post about everybodies birthday stuff.

Jesse's birthday was a few days ago and he had a good time. I made his favorite dinner, red spaghetti. He calls it that because some times we have pesto and that's green. He picked out a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate ice cream. Yep he's taking after his Momma.

I used the cake mate easy squeeze frosting to to write on his cake. For something that's advertised as easy they sure were off the mark! I've never had to squeeze so hard! I squeezed and squeezed and barely anything came out. I knew i was appying plenty of pressure because the packaging tore and frosting started coming out the side! so now you are all fore warned.

Jesse's favorite present was his Lego Star Wars for the DS. You can just see how excited he was! He wouldn't look at me at all, just fixed on his game.


Gabrielle said...

How cute! My girls are the same way when they get a new game! :)

Jill said...

Hey Amy. Cute blog! I got your blog site off Shelley's. It's amazing how much you can get to know someone by reading their blog! I hope you keep up on it. Jill

Emma and Dan said...

I'm glad you posted some pics from Jesse's Bday. He is such a cutie! We got your package on the 18th and Elena loves the finger puppets. We are going to take them with us to church today. Thank you so much! :)

Jen Sue Wild said...

Jesse is so cute looks like he had a great birthday...

chenguna said...

Hey girly, thanks for passing by the old blog. Belated happy bday to your baby. Look like he had a good day. hehehe

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Jesse! I got a DS and love that thing. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!