A grilled cheese sandwich complete with leftover lei flower and dog hair dust bunnies. I'm sure you are wondering how in the world this got under there. Well our oven has a 3 to 4 inch gap behind it. it was supposed to be a in the counter kind but the last owner had built the space for a stand alone kind of range, leaving a huge gap between the wall and our oven.
Now I wouldn't leave this just laying under there so I went to the experts... the kids. I asked them how on earth this got back there and why didn't they tell someone. I got this answer," oh, that's Emily's. She flipped it back there. She told dad, but he told her not to worry about it." Huh? not worry?? I'm thinking this was told in one of those moments where parents must be concentrating on something else. The something else being World of Warcraft. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to figure out how to get it out from behind there anyway.