Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What's my motivation...

I don't know but for the last few days I have had the blahs. I don't feel like cleaning, cooking, reading, scrapping. I will do those things when I have to but in all honesty I'd really rather not. Some of it may be because it is so messy everywhere that I just don't know where to start. I also haven't gotten to finish anything I've started. Another part of me thinks it's because I didn't make the design team I tried out for. Lloyd says it's their loss (man, I love him) but I can't help wondering what it was that they were looking for that I didn't have.

The kids are off track now (maybe that's another reason too). If you have no clue what I'm talking about I'll explain. We have year-round school here. my kids go to school for nine weeks and then are off for three. Kinda weird bu I guess year-round and traditional each have their pros and cons. With traditional they are in school about nine months and off for three whole months! With Year-Round my kids are off and on all the time and I guess my favorite perk is that IF we ever go on vacation during the time they are off it will most likely be when other kids are at school so places will be less crowded.

So can any of you awesome people who visit here help me out?!? What do you do to get out of your Blahs??


Gabrielle said...


Hope you are feeling better!

I can only imagine how hard it would be to pick for a DT...your work is so creative and gorgeous! Don't let it get you down and KEEP TRYING!

I feel that way too sometimes, I have to step back and just let it come back. Sometimes a break is ok.

Challenge yourself to do something different or to try a new technique.

Heads up girlie!

Gabrielle from AMM :)

Kasi said...

Amy, I am no help because I am in the same mess. Well, except I have been reading, since I've been sick I've re-read the Harry Potter books! Anyway, you would die if you saw my house at the moment...and as for scrapbooking, well lets just say that has taken a drop on my priorities list. I am so sorry I haven't called, we could be miserable together! I love you and I miss you!!!!! And as for the design team, the same thing has happened to me, and I agree with Lloyd!! Good man,

Jennw6kids said...

They so dont know what they are missing by not picking you, you are awesome, I love your work babe!! A sure cure go do one of my challanges!!